Dudhia Tourist Lodge
Dudhia Tourist Lodge
Dudhia Tourist Lodge
Dudhia Tourist Lodge
Dudhia Tourist Lodge

With the distance of only 9km approx from the town of Kalimpong,Deolo Hill is the highest point of Kalimpong with the altitude of 5500ft (1704mtr). Surrounded with few other tourist points, Deolo hill is one of the most visited tourist destination. With a mesmerizing view of gigantic Khangchendzonga, Darjeeling, Teesta,Pesok and Nathula border ridge of Sikkim ,it attracts lots of photographers here. At top of the deolo hill is where deolo tourist lodge located. With shape of a plane, the lodge provides you with comfortable rooms .Deolo tourist lodge also has a beautiful recreational park for relaxation. For youngsters paragliding and horse riding are other activities nearby.

Price Rs 2500 to 5000

  • mapMarkerGrey Dudhia
  • globe https://www.darjeelingkalimpongtourism.com/
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  • Price Range ₹ 2500 - ₹ 5000

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